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Every day we see incidents where those involved do not have medical aid or have a hospital plan that does not cover private ambulance services. This often means the difference between life and death and in particular with domestic workers and pensioners. Through our partnership with ER24 we now offer a private ambulance service at an affordable price.


Managed, Tactical Emergency Medical Response and Stabilization

Emergency medical transportation

24 Hour Medical Information Line

24 Hour Medical Hotline

24 Hour Telephonic Trauma Counselling


  • ER24 may recover costs from your medical aid
  • In the event that your medical aid is depleted, our plan will cover you for stabilisation and emergency medical transportation for life threatening emergencies
  • If you do not have medical aid, our plan will cover you for stabilisation and emergency medical transportation to the closest state hospital for life threatening emergencies.
mobiclaw web revamp cost
mobiclaw web revamp cost


MOBI-CLAW Clients are automatically covered by our MC911 Ambulance Management Plan at no extra cost. Primary members can add beneficiaries to the Plan for just R12.00 per beneficiary per month.

Terms and Conditions

1.Benefits of the scheme are detailed on the MOBI-CLAW 911 Website and in the welcome email.
2. All members and beneficiaries are covered from time of submission.
3. Monthly subscriptions are billed in arrears.
4. Payment for the first month of subscription is not billed pro rata, the full subscription amount is billed.
5. ER24 reserves the right to make use of their affiliate partners in regard to emergency response.
6. ER24 reserves the right to claim from the members medical aid.
7. Anyone who uses this service fraudulently on behalf of someone else will face criminal charges.
8. Price increases on the Premium ER24 Plan will be effective to fit in with ER24’s as advised and become effective immediately.
9. We reserve the right to change the terms and conditions without notification.
10. Cover is exclusively for life threatening emergencies
